
Javascript Match-3 Game Lib to build games like Bejeweled or Triple Town

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Javascript Match-3 Game Lib - Node.JS and Browser compatible

How to use ?

Get jmatch3.js

Create a new Grid with width, height and gravity parameters :

var grid = new jMatch3.Grid({
    width: 6,
    height: 7,
    gravity: "down"

Get a piece inside the grid

var piece = grid.getPiece({ x: 0, y: 0 });

Update a piece

A piece has a void object by default, but you can change it with your own

piece.object = { type: "gem" };-

Or revert to the void object


The void Object type is "empty"

Display the grid (Debug)

You can log the grid with a map of symbols

    empty: "-",
    gem: "g"

Handle matches

You can get all current matches

var matches = grid.getMatches();

Clear matches to transform all matching pieces object to void object


Apply gravity to fall down your pieces


API Documentation


 * options:
 * - width (default 10)
 * - height (default 10)
 * - gravity (default false): "up", "right", "down", "left", or false 
var grid = new jMatch3.Grid({
    width: 6,
    height: 7,
    gravity: "down"

Instance methods


Return if given coords are in the grid

grid.coordsInWorld({ x: 10, y: 10 }); // return false

Return the piece from given coords

var piece = grid.getPiece({ x: 4, y: 4 });
.neighbourOf(piece, direction)

Return the piece neighbour of another piece from a given direction

var neighbour = grid.neighbourOf(piece, "left");

Return a Hash of pieces by direction

// return { up: theUpPiece, down: theDownPiece, right: theRightPiece, left: theLeftPiece }
var neighbours = grid.neighboursOf(piece);

Execute a callback for each current match

grid.forEachMatch(function() {
  // Your scoring stuff

Return an array of matches or false

var matches = grid.getMatches();
.getRow(row, reverse)

Return an Array of pieces

var row = grid.getRow(0);
.getColumn(column, reverse)

Return an Array of pieces

var column = grid.getColumn(0);

Destroy all matches and update the grid

.swapPieces(piece1, piece2)

Swap 2 pieces object

grid.swapPieces(piece1, piece2);

Apply gravity to fall down your pieces and return an Array of falling pieces

var fallingPieces = grid.applyGravity();

Log the current grid with symbols

    empty: "-",
    gem: "g"

Class method


Get last empty piece from an Array of pieces

var lastEmpty = jMatch3.Grid.getLastEmptyPiece(pieces);


Private Class

 * Params:
 * - grid
 * - x
 * - y
new Piece(grid, 0, 0);

Instance methods


Replace the piece object by a the void object

.relativeCoordinates(direction, distance)

Return relatives coordinates to the piece

var relativeCoordinates = piece.relativeCoordinates("right", 1); // return { x: 1, y: 0 }

Return neighbour of the piece from a given direction

var neighbour = piece.neighbour("right");

Return a Hash of pieces by direction

// return { up: theUpPiece, down: theDownPiece, right: theRightPiece, left: theLeftPiece }
var neighbours = piece.neighbours();

Return an Array of direct Matching Neighbours

var matchingNeighbours = piece.matchingNeighbours();

Return an Array of deep Matching Neighbours

var deepMatchingNeighbours = piece.deepMatchingNeighbours();